Top 3 Reasons Bed Bug Problem Continues

Excessive clutter is very high on list of top 3 reasons your bed bug treatments don’t work.

Number one, by far is the wrong treatment method. If you are using pesticides your chances of solving a bed bug problem on your own is near zero. Even with the help of a professional exterminator your ads of winning against bed bugs are extremely low. What we hear all the time from our callers is “I thought I had this done. Bed bugs were gone for 2 weeks, 2 months or even 8-12 months an then they returned …

Well, sometimes you or someone visiting you might be bringing more bed bugs into your home but that happens very seldom. What happens most often is the pesticides you continue using ( the repellent component in the pesticide ) simply keep sending a message to bed bugs that it isn’t safe for them. The repellency does not last forever ( 2-4 weeks from each application ). It does not kill them and it hurts your and your family’s health a lot more than it hurts bed bugs.

If you decide to have this done professionally or by yourself using the ambient heat method the chances of eliminating bed bugs are higher than by using pesticides but far from what you expect and way below our standards which is why we abandoned this method of treatment 7 years ago. The biggest problem with the ambient heat method is how complicated the proper application of it is and the complete lack of residual protection. Meaning, even if you were one of the few lucky people who could get rid of them with the ambient heat treatment, there is nothing to keep bed bugs at bay if even one is reintroduced or even one survives the treatment.


Number two.  Not following directions from the bed bug professionals you hired or hiring professionals that give wrong directions.  That point is closely related to the previous one as people using low-success methodology will have very little knowledge of proper post-treatment protocol.


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Our team recognizes the physical limitations that can make bed bug treatment preparation daunting, especially for seniors. That’s why we handle all the hard work for you. From moving heavy furniture to ensuring every corner of your home is ready for treatment, we’ve got it covered. You can sit back and relax in an adjacent room, knowing that you don’t have to leave your beloved home. Our treatment is non-toxic, and specifically designed with your health and comfort in mind. Your well-being is our top priority, and we use only the safest, most reliable methods that align with bed bugs’ biology and feeding habits. We also prefer that you stay home during the treatment process. This allows us to answer any questions you may have in person, ensuring you’re fully informed and comfortable with each step. Our non-toxic methods mean you won’t be exposed to harmful chemicals, making it a safe environment for you to remain in your home throughout the process. Plus, we know how important your home and its contents are to you. That’s why we focus on preserving your comfortable furniture—there’s no need to dispose of it. This not only saves you the distress of shopping for replacements but also saves you money and the hassle of arranging deliveries. Our mission is to provide a bed bug extermination service that’s not just effective but also considerate of the special needs of the senior community. We take care of everything so that you can continue enjoying your home without stress or worry. If you or a loved one is facing a bed bug problem, especially in Florida, reach out to us today. Let us handle the hard work while you stay safe and comfortable in your home. Your health, your comfort, and your peace of mind are our top priorities. Don’t wait—watch this video to learn more and contact us for a consultation.




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